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Sunday, October 26, 2014

Yemaya Mother of fish

Ocean Park_2014_life at sea_santoproductsYemaya
is a deity of great importance in the community, first she is a giving mother of immense abundance. Yemaya is beautiful in appearance with a strong character.  One of the concepts she inspires in me as I recall her image, my Idea of this deity is
“A WOMAN’S WORTH”, “A FEMINIST” a woman that strongly believes she can do for herself, With the notion of “if my counterpart is not providing for me, I will do for myself and us.This is learned in the odu.  She teaches the lesson’ I can do anything a man can, I achieve things men can never possess, Yemaya holds Title of two leadership Shawls’ entitling her to a status of two authorities, an ability of Tribal Title that no man can own.   Yemaya's eternal element  represents her well, its abundance in size, with a gracious gratitude,its sternness and embodiment  that defies all other aspects of nature, It is able to reclaim more or less as it choices. This element is a true enigma, it retains secrets never to see the light of day again.  The moon,sun, and stars play a grand role on Yemaya and her personality, these are symbols of her power, or seals of her creative force. I could write more on these seals, just know that they have meaning and are useful in their understanding, influencing yemaya in rituals.

Here is an example of a seal of yemaya

yemaya is the daughter of the great all powerful Olokun. yemaya has many avatars as seven daughters of Olokun, Olokun sent forth all of his daughters to the world but kept one as his overseer of the commercial marina while Olokun retains the depths of the Sea and rivers, the “darkness within them”

Mayalewo is her name in this avatar state. Mayalewo controls the commercial ports, the traffic of the sea’s transportation of goods, life necessities from one of her coasts to another. When Yemaya becomes abused,Yemaya patience can overlook delinquency of her children and followers or the men and women that traffic through her realm. When Yemaya patience is abused, expect nothing less than a Tsunami, yemaya can be explicit of her authority at any given moment.  Yemaya's anger is ferocious,savage,vicious, we can attempt to pacify her, but try to tell the ocean to stop moving! Yemaya’s angry at this coast, yet blue skies on the other coast.  Yemaya’s character is a woman that knows life through a different view. she has suffered the loss of her one and true beloved Orishaoko, she has loved many, but Orisaoko is her other half, observe a world Globe, 70%water,30% land. Which also demonstrates her position in life as a woman,in her relationship with her counterpart Orisha oko This 70% demonstrates yemaya's true position in life her value to all life on this earth. It also demonstrates Yemaya role in her community, this surely displays really how much a woman/mother/caregiver (Yemaya) true importance is ( we just can not live without a woman (yemaya) at our side.

Yemaya is the embodiment of an odu, The odu that expresses itself as Odi Meji, a symbol of femmient organs, Egoism! Salvation! Creation! That lIfe has consequences that are circumscribe. These are the nouns it creates, these nouns are born in odi meji.
1 The female organs and genderfication  2 The color Black  3 variegated colors for women yellow and red
4 The sea 5 Whales, chickens, goats, rats, fish of the sea, the caiman, the snails, Almiqui 6 Maize, Pumpkin 7 The blood cell 8 Malice 9  Law of karma. 10 The ere (grains and vegetables). 11 That humans wear shoes. 12  Ikofa The eshanile. 13  Oshun yumi. 14  Dolls. 15  Vice oral sex. 16 Eran, the gigantic drum of Ifa. 17  Aruye, Fear. 18  Igbodun The corner of the Room

There are the legends of Odi meji which I will add to a different post. It is these characteristics that we channel when we connect with Yemaya.  That includes the abilities for a mother to invoke Ifa, for assistance to save her child, as she did in ogunda-odi(3-7). giving mothers the abilities to stand before any diviner for a child in jeopardy.

You can use some of these herbs to work with Yemaya in offerings and spell casting, I will introduce some Youtubes for this purpose. Here is a small list of some of her favorite herbs she collected at the battle shango had with Osain.

Yemaya Favorite Herbs to name a few:
2.Black eye peas
4.Sweet Peppers
5.Wandering Jew
10.water hyacinth
11. WaterMelon

Please feel free to comment or ask any question for there are no wrong questions for anything forbidden in my realm.

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