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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Aztec sweet herb, Phyla dulcis

Aztec Sweet Herb, Honey herb


Phyla dulcis

purchase link $5.99

This Herb is a alternative sugar herb used by the midwest indian tribes of the mexico peninsula and the caribbean to sweeten tea,candies and foods. Its so sweet that its measure to be  1500 times sweeter than sugar cane.

Medicinal, t has inhibitory effects on  Enterobacteriaceae. People in the Caribbean islands, Central and South American used the herb for treating colds, asthma, bronchitis, stomach problems, colic and to induce menstruation. Aztec Sweet Herb induces menstruation, it is an abortifacient.

This herb is used to constructed talismans for individuals that traffic illegal drugs, or illegal trafficking, the talisman is created and called and considered Judas!  Its other uses or applications include love spells with Orisa Oshun, This herb is used to make a floor cleanse to sweeten the odds in gambling houses,or to before going to a Casino How too!  If you wanted to create a talisman for love, that I would express and teach, if you are asking for the talisman for illegal activities or to repress a lover’ That I will take the High road and deny this information.  If you ask why the high road. here is my personal opinion.a
in the scenario of a lover, If your lover left or she/he cheated or what ever their reason leads to acknowledge that the relationship is not concrete.  Their are those that teach and use said practices but, how can you really expect to have a real and loving relationship if its all your doing, using manipulation to keep this lover is not correct, question yourself “How would I feel if I was tied and bound,being forcing against my Well, forcing my future.
I can personally tell you, yes it will work, but life becomes a real mess. Being with a lover that really has no real respect for you and your feelings is not a circumstance I want to live. PS they will make your life a “LOVING HELL” you will wish it never happen.

Now to the enchanting spell to create a sweet relationship to arrive to your destiny
I will start with 3 parts Aztec sweet herb, 3 parts Turkeyberry herb, 3 parts Feverwort 1 part night jasmine. essence and herb of Japanese honeysuckle and essence of jasmine, and giving Oshun five sunflowers, use 3 sunflowers in the bath, sunflower follow the sun and after they mature they stay focused at the direction of the sun, so you are influencing the lover that come to focus his attention on you and only you, and because you have been bathing in sweet and powerful herbs when he see you your aura is positive,sweet, and all attention is onto you. I would offer a beautiful gift to Oshun, before the lover or your desires, why?  “you give to receive” not “I asked for something that I so want and after you give me I will give to you”. I say”

Gratitude will get you far and ahead in life.

Floor cleanse:
2 Parts Aztec sweet herb,3 parts Bay rum( dried)Yang li yang flowers, patchouli root.brings a sweet and powerful aura to the home or business. Note: Don’t burn incense at this time, you can 2 hours before or two to three days after.

Many people burn incense and not realizing that this action, can reply that which is desired.  Incense is used to allow our prayers to rise to the Deities, and also it can expel energies.

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