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Monday, January 12, 2015

Holy Wood-Palo Santo

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Holy Wood-Palo Santo:
scientific: Bursera graveolens

This flora is one of my favorites. I use this delightful flora for many purposes  most common use is
a incense (works great) or magic bags. I prefer to subtract its magnetic field into my medicine.
The book  entitled “El Monte” written by Linda Cabrera states that palo santo and Guayacan are one and the same but this is not true. These two trees both have great magnetic field energy but it’s different.  Palo Santos magical abilities are purifying and cleansing, it also gives a strength to the person or the enchanted item. Guayacan on the other hand, its magical abilities are the power of extended control over large amounts of distance, It has the ability to communicate with the whole forest.  The other trees and flora see the Guayacan as an authority, in respect to its authority the whole forest yields their assistance. Guayacan is the ring leader and the rest of the forest are his posse  When Guayacan is included in Nganga’s or amulets which contain other flora or elements, Guayacan is the director of the bound energy, (caldron,charm,talisman)

Palo Santo revealed

Bursera graveolens is related to Frankincense (Boswellia ) with many of the same medicinal properties, I would categorize it as frankincense south american cousin.  

  1. ANTIINFLAMMATORY: internal and external
  2. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, coughs, laryngitis
  3. GENITO-URINARY SYSTEM: cystitis, dysmenorrhoea, leucorrhoea, metrorrhagia
  4. NERVOUS SYSTEM: anxiety, nervous tension and stress related conditions. Slows down and deepens breathing. Prayer, meditation
  5. SKIN CARE: blemishes, dry and mature complexions, scars, wounds, wrinkles
  6. CANCER: Variety of different  Cancers
  7. DIGESTION: stomach ailments, ulcers, including H. pylori
  8. MENTAL: Depression     
Bursera graveolens can be place in your pocket or applied to one’s own magic bag to receive its electromagnetic  energy. But as with all other charms of transmission the wielder needs to learn how to access the power and energy our charms possess.  If you could tune in, tap in onto the pure energy of palo santo, you  expedite the healing of your own body or others.
The conjurers of old, used Palo Santo to exorcise the afflicted from sickness or ill will spirits. The conjurer can use Palo santo as a wand to influence the field and change the outcome of an event.  I believe this tree has an oath as the Gumbo limbo tree, to do no harm. Its abilities are pure and should not be tainted with shadow work.

There is a classic talisman, This talismans known ability is to secure the owner with a clear liberated destiny. The owner has the ability to succeed in everything they wish to pursue. You don’t find these charms readily available because its key ingredient is “Placenta”. You see in the old days when home births were common the mid-wife which were a local healer or conjurer would reserved the afterbirth in the event the child needed a lifeline in the far future. This element, this sack was the Protection,the nourisher of an individual and so it too has magical properties. This afterbirth is used to save the life of a person, but its best if its your own afterbirth. Funny looking at this practice of preserving the afterbirth in colonial times, and further back. Now in the age of science we know that this afterbirth contains DNA, and stem cells which are harvested to assist a person in the future in the event of a terminal illness. 4d-vision-anatomy-model-tarantula-spider-26112-01photo.jpg
The second ingredient is (Secret writings)
a tyrantula spider.these arachnids are great calculators,anything they hunt. Arachnids are armed with eight arm/legs giving them the security.   Spider are very sensitive to their environments,add the third main ingredient  a Scorpion sting. the other ingredients parts are kept in secret.