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Sunday, June 5, 2016

Ceiba Pentandra (Kapok Tree) Araba

Ceiba Pentandra (Kapok Tree) Araba
Ceiba Pentandra (Kapok Tree) Araba

Okana Meji did  some important work before departing to earth.
His name was Kon Kon Okonron loun Okoron Nihin
He performed divination for Araba (Kapok, Ceiba pentandra) and Iroko(African Teak tree)
Before these two migrated to earth from heaven, these two were cats and dogs never agreeing on any one subject.
Base of a Kapok Tree. 
at that time Iroko was so powerful and feared that no one would dare consider cutting this tree for any purpose.
Kapok at Edison Estates Naples Florida

This wormed Iroko a false sense of pride. Okana Meji performed the divination,Odu unfolded it's wisdom and both Iroko and Araba were instructed to offer
Esu ( Destiny) an offering at Esu shrine the offering of 1 Goat, 2 Roosters, 1 hatchet,1 machete. Kola nuts, 1 Rat

Araba made the offerings but Iroko Refused, allowing his ego to feed his superficial false pride, believing “Who would dare attempt to harm the great Iroko

On one standpoint Iroko was powerful and strong, on the other Iroko was the meeting point of the Ancestors of the night.

Esu accepted Araba's offering. So Began the destruction of Iroko.  Esu devised a plan to defame the importance and strength of Iroko.  Esu transformed himself as a carpenter lumber jack, at the same time rotted the wood doors and floors, tools of the villagers. Then gathered the lumberers from the village, headed into the forest. While walking into the forest, Esu convinced the villagers that the other trees were of low quality for the use of doors or flooring, for this same reason there current situations had lead them to search for new lumber.

When they reached the forest opening, Iroko stood before them. A Massive vertical tree that reached toward the sky, it seem as Iroko had no limit.  The lumberers began to refuse to pass, Esu insists “Oh that's the best wood for your doors of your homes and flooring.  He grab his machete and began to cut Iroko, the villages began to lose fear and joined in. Sawing away at the base of the trunk. 

At a distance Araba heard and felt a great row a thunderous boom. When he heard and felt the destruction, he knew it could only be one thing in the forest that could produce such a noise, 
Iroko has fallen. 

Araba Praised Okana Meji and the wisdom of Odu. Araba understood that it was Iroko's False Pride and negativity that cause Iroko to loose his status, becoming a victim of Esu's ability to make Orisa,man or nature see things Esu's way.

It is advised when Okana-Meji opens on the divining mat or the Divining tray, that the consultant has a powerful tall enemy, that wishes him harm.  He/she should offer Esu Ebbo not to only triumph but maintain his dignity in the community or his place or work.

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