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Sunday, November 27, 2016

Road Opener Abre Camino

Eupatorium: Queen of the Meadow  [Bonesets]

The Plant known as Abre Camino, Thoroughwort or Bonesets [Eupatorium villosum]
This is a highly regarded herb used in incantations for abundance and prosperity magic, allowing and encouraging these two principle energies to “Arrive” at open/receiving doors or paths.

Abre camino oil lamp

The conjurer can also use this herb to open the doors to the spirit realm to receive assistance from his or her spiritual guides.  This herb also has medicinal value and properties.

Medicinal Uses:
Colds,  constipation, Coughs,Cystitis, Fluid retention, Gout, headache, intermediate fever, Jaundice, Malaria, Muscle cramp, Nervousness, nighttime Urination, Pneumonia, sore throat, spasm, stuffy nose, Tumors, urinary stones, wounds. This is a citation to confirm its healing properties. ( )

Action, Medical Uses, and Dosage.—Queen of the meadow has diuretic, subastringent, stimulant, tonic, and antilithic properties. It has a specific action upon the renal tract, increasing both the fluid and solid constituents of the urine. As its influence upon the stomach is good, it may be used for a great length of time without ill results. While a fairly good remedy in some forms of dyspepsia, and chronic mucous diseases of the gastro-intestinal tract, its chief value lies in its efficiency in many disorders of the urino-genital passages.

Removing a person from ?
You can use this incantation to remove a person from a court case, Jail,Tenant, Spouse Etc
Esu Odara

Using fresh herb matter, you place the herb in a glass with a wide opening, pour a small amount of water to soak the the herbs.


The herbs should be underneath the water line.  Then Pour a choice of oil, Almond,Coconut,Olive into the glass making sure the herbs are still within the water line. Pour your choice of oil, the oil line needs to be ⅓ of volume in the glass.

Now for the wick.  Many years ago I was shown a neat trick by a woman from the dominican Republic, how to make a lamp wick using an old wine bottle cork two toothpicks and a piece of cotton as the wick.  She told me back home we didn’t have access to purchase wicks, we had to create a substitute, I loved the idea since I could have a longer lasting wick and it is easily replaceable. You could also purchase a wick kit at your local religious store.

Depending on your choice of spiritual guide you commune with, if using this with Orisa, or Eggun. I would suggest it be lit at specific hours of the day. 4AM,6AM,12PM,3PM,4PM,6PM

The wick of your choice is placed on top of the oil, the wick will float on the oil.  The water at the bottom is required to maintain the glass from cracking and the liquid will become a Medicine Potion of sorts.

As you light the lamp, your full concentration is required. You should turn off the phone,TV,radio etc. You should perform this with another person with the same interest, you can also perform it alone.  

You may pray or direct your intentions to your spiritual guide, citing that this lamp is an offering of Light to Open the path for (Your Intention)

Once the lamp is lit it does not get turned off. Once the lamps oil has finished burning the remains of the glass are carefully transported to the location of interest, the Court house, Employement, Door of the tenant.  

The remains are pour at the location site, not caring who is watching and say aloud. As the Light has extinguished to this wick, Your time has come to Pass! As the oil was consumed and burned, so was your Stay! “Now all that is left is’ Open doors, opens roads. All things shall Pass. So below, so above, so above so below. All things shall pass,All things shall pass,All things shall pass

This process too has certain hours of the day. It would be the opposite of the start time. Example if you burn it at 4AM the opposite hour would be 10, if 6  it would be 12 Noon, This is done to rotate the starting point of your conjuring, because you are changing a given situation into a different outcome, this outcome desired is your doing.

Thank you for your time, if you have any questions please feel free to contact us. Namaste Roman

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Ceiba Pentandra (Kapok Tree) Araba

Ceiba Pentandra (Kapok Tree) Araba
Ceiba Pentandra (Kapok Tree) Araba

Okana Meji did  some important work before departing to earth.
His name was Kon Kon Okonron loun Okoron Nihin
He performed divination for Araba (Kapok, Ceiba pentandra) and Iroko(African Teak tree)
Before these two migrated to earth from heaven, these two were cats and dogs never agreeing on any one subject.
Base of a Kapok Tree. 
at that time Iroko was so powerful and feared that no one would dare consider cutting this tree for any purpose.
Kapok at Edison Estates Naples Florida

This wormed Iroko a false sense of pride. Okana Meji performed the divination,Odu unfolded it's wisdom and both Iroko and Araba were instructed to offer
Esu ( Destiny) an offering at Esu shrine the offering of 1 Goat, 2 Roosters, 1 hatchet,1 machete. Kola nuts, 1 Rat

Araba made the offerings but Iroko Refused, allowing his ego to feed his superficial false pride, believing “Who would dare attempt to harm the great Iroko

On one standpoint Iroko was powerful and strong, on the other Iroko was the meeting point of the Ancestors of the night.

Esu accepted Araba's offering. So Began the destruction of Iroko.  Esu devised a plan to defame the importance and strength of Iroko.  Esu transformed himself as a carpenter lumber jack, at the same time rotted the wood doors and floors, tools of the villagers. Then gathered the lumberers from the village, headed into the forest. While walking into the forest, Esu convinced the villagers that the other trees were of low quality for the use of doors or flooring, for this same reason there current situations had lead them to search for new lumber.

When they reached the forest opening, Iroko stood before them. A Massive vertical tree that reached toward the sky, it seem as Iroko had no limit.  The lumberers began to refuse to pass, Esu insists “Oh that's the best wood for your doors of your homes and flooring.  He grab his machete and began to cut Iroko, the villages began to lose fear and joined in. Sawing away at the base of the trunk. 

At a distance Araba heard and felt a great row a thunderous boom. When he heard and felt the destruction, he knew it could only be one thing in the forest that could produce such a noise, 
Iroko has fallen. 

Araba Praised Okana Meji and the wisdom of Odu. Araba understood that it was Iroko's False Pride and negativity that cause Iroko to loose his status, becoming a victim of Esu's ability to make Orisa,man or nature see things Esu's way.

It is advised when Okana-Meji opens on the divining mat or the Divining tray, that the consultant has a powerful tall enemy, that wishes him harm.  He/she should offer Esu Ebbo not to only triumph but maintain his dignity in the community or his place or work.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Herbal Spiritual cleanser

Spiritual Herbal Cleansers

We in the faith of the spiritual realm understand the benefits of cleansing the aura,body and our paths from unwanted energies. I am not saying the energy is negative but unwanted. Cleansers or there more common name baths are herbal extracts made from plants or elements to cause a situation to change form from one state to another state of being.

As long as I can remember, a person with a difficult situation would seek a spiritualist to acquire a energy changing herbal bath. 

Example: While unemployed, working hard searching for the right fitting career. The doors don't seem to gave way, You are at your very best mind/thought, the whole you is a deva! you have the required educational skills, experience in this field of work and still you are turned down for unexplained reasons. 

You ask your inner self what went wrong? Dought begins to creep in. The answer is 
Your vibrational energy Transmission. 

How to change the odds in your favor, in the covens of spiritualist, we apply natures gifts to create the intended outcome. Herbal cleansers. some of the herbs on the list below are some of the more commonly used but every plant,bark and element has its own special vibration energy. When known it is applied to a specific situation.  This is a good reason to have a herbalist, or spiritualist prepare the needed remedy.

These cleanser are dynamic in there abilities all influenced by the herbs used and the conjurers spiritual abilities.

Advise I would  like to express about these herbal cleansers. If you ever had one or are thinking of trying one something to keep in mind. These herbal cleansers are created using the vibrational energy of nature to change or influence your personal aura, Vibrational transmissions. Because we are being of energy, we experience something called in the science of physics

"Quantum entanglement" 
this phenomenon explains that when you effect one partial,phyton,atom  you effect the group or its entangled particles in one way or another or  it physical form. 

You are in a financial situation looking for work, in the mean time bills a piling up etc. You decide to take a spiritual herbal remedy, you in all good faith without a shadow of the doubt believe in the cleanser, or the spiritualist that prepared the cleanser. 

Nothing happens, still no work the bills keep coming in! one bills are a part of life but where it get interesting is?

Early in the morning you get a call from lets say your best friend or your parent, who tells you I Play my lucky numbers and won X amount of dollars' I received a Check from X' and I want to share some with you!

Sometimes it as simple as a loaf of bread that saves you a nights worry. 
It has happen to me so many times, I just turn my attention to the divine and offer my gratitude. I the begining it was a awh now I just know. If it occurs to someone else am also content and gratful because I know my share is there too. Source supplies all his creations with there needs.

The Law of attraction is always at work. It does not need to effect you directly it will have a direct effect on entanglement you may share with someone in the immedite surroundings that can produce its will the easiest way possible. "Friends,family,even strangers" 

Now sit home and doubt this Law, doubt that the source of life is falling short on you, see the outcome of your disbelief first hand. 

Faith moves mountains,Intent changes the course of focus. The Law of Attraction is always every present, bringing you more and more of the Vibration you are transmitting.


What customers are saying about there experience with our product "Abre fuente" herbal cleanser
Survey below

How satisfied were you with the Product?(1 response)
Not very12345Very much00.511.520 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)1 (100%)
How relevant and helpful do you think this herbal bath was for your overall spiritual well being?(1 response)
Not very12345Very much00.511.520 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)1 (100%)
What were your key take aways from this Product?(1 response)
I was presently surprise from the moment I opened it. The aroma was enchanting, the herbs inside were fresh. I didn't want to finish it right away because it gives you a refreshing feeling so I only used a little at a time and unlike other baths I had purchased before it remained fresh for well over a week. Even the herbs remained intact. It's gives a calming, relaxing feeling plus it attracts and it does more than what the label says.
How satisfied were you with the logistics?
Delivery TimeAromaHerbs addedSoapinessQuantityPricingMoneys worth0. dissatisfiedNeutralVery satisfiedUnsure
Very dissatisfiedNeutralVery satisfiedUnsure
Delivery Time0010
Herbs added0010
Moneys worth0010
Any additional comments regarding your experience(1 response)
Over all worth more than the price. Can be used alone without need of perfume afterwards, the scent is long lasting.
Any overall feedback for the Company?(1 response)
Keep on making more baths and I love the fresh plants, some are almost impossible to find and at times there are people and places that don't even know what you want. You guys are amazing, very helpful. Keep up the good work.
Name (1 response)
Martha C.
Tulsi Basil Purple 

Tulsi basil Green

Ceylon Cinnamon

Baba Orisa Esu 

Kalanchoe [prodigious,siempre viva]

Lemon Tree flowered

Baba Orisa Olokun

San pedro cactus flower

patchouli herb

Vencedor [Satinwood]

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Kalanchoe Prodigiosa, Siempre viva

Bryophyllum pinnatum 

Kalanchoe flower [Bryophyllum pinnatum] 3

Prodigiosa, Siempre viva.

Other names it's known by are Air Plant, Life Plant, Miracle Leaf,
Prodigiosa, siempre viva.

We are sharing this amazing plant today with you, in the fight against CancerKalanchoe  [Bryophyllum pinnatum]

although it may not affect all cancers it’s been reported to dramatically affect tumors of the breast,stomach,Liver, and a few more. I am not allowed to say this is the Cure or it cures but what I am able to say, is “you can benefit from this. results may vary. but By adding this Succulent herb twice a day in a smoothie of your choice you have nothing to lose, but to benefit from nature's goodness.IMG_20160320_104500.jpg

Miracle Leaf’s bufadienolides have demonstrated in clinical research to possess antibacterial, anti tumorous, cancer preventative.

Miracle Leaf Chemicals have antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal activity. The leaf and leaf juice have demonstrated significant in vitro antibacterial activity towards, E. coli, Shigella, Bacillus and Pseudomonas,Staphylococcus, including several strains of multidrug resistant bacteria.

Additional Resources:

Kalanchoe is rich in alkaloids, triterpenes, glycosides, flavonoids, steroids and lipids. The leaves contain a group of chemicals calledbufadienolides which are very active and have sparked the interest of scientists. They are very similar in structure and activity as two other cardiac glycosides, digoxin and digitoxin (drugs used for the clinical treatment of congestive heart failure and related conditions). Kalanchoe's bufadienolides have demonstrated in clinical research to possess antibacterial, antitumorous, cancer preventative, and insecticidal actions.

What is the cure for all and any illness is learning to laugh again, to enjoy the most important things in your life. If you are serious about healing your body, don’t forget this simple but effective remedy JOY,LAUGH, do everything in your power to focus on joy, whatever it takes, your life depends on it. tell jokes hear jokes, watch comedies, Laugh, live,love,enjoy this bliss we call life.

Here at Santo Products we are always in search for the relief of disease.

Nature has provided the solution to the problems. All we have to do is not lose faith and keep the search.

Purchase this herb