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Monday, January 25, 2016

Gray Nicker [Quita malidicion] Nickernut

Gray Nicker [Quita Maldicion]

This herb has medicinal uses as well as Magical.  
This herb can be used to treat Acne, asthma, colic, congestion, convulsions, depurative,diarrhea, dropsy fever,gonorrhea,snakebites,Leprosy,malaria.Dried or Fresh


A tea or decoction is made from the leaves stems and root. You can also brew the same tea and apply it to the skin for at least seven days.  Herb baths are made as well to cleanse the body of skin disorders like Acne. Gray nicker  lowers the population of Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes), a bacterium commonly found on the skin.

Magical Use:
This herb has many magical uses. I will start with the basic and continue to the more complex.
Gray nicker is excellent to remove negativity from the body. It has the ability to remove unwanted energy from the person using it as a spiritual bath. Simply one boils the stems and leaves allowing it to cool, fill the bathtub with water and soak. I would use this time to pray to the Divine or your preference of spirit or deity. Asking to cleanse away the energy that is upon you.  A great spiritual bath I use is to combine, Gray nicker,Siam weed,Rue,Road opener one garlic head. boil this for 20-30 minutes. Bottle it an old soda bottle works well. Wrap the bottle in a white cotton cloth allow it to sit in the presence of a Saint or image of a guiding spirit. Burn two white candles making the prayer needed to the Divine. This bath is best to use over the weekend or when you can take time away from work or people. Being in solitude is absolute when cleansing the self. For baths the herbs can be used Dried for best results

As a Talisman:

The Bean can be enchanted by an experienced Conjurer to protect the owner of the bean.  The bean has protective energy.  I use a branch at my door entrance to ward away bad influences. After a few days I discard the branch to a remote location where I will not visit for a long time. Please understand that energy can not be destroyed.but changed. leaving negative charged objects in public places allows the negative energy to attach to another person walking by it. If this same person is vibrating at its same frequency. It is best to discard in remote locations or in oceans or rivers where the energy can be cleanse by nature.


This herb is a principal herb in the Omerio of Orisa/Osha.  There are some convents which choose not to added it to the Omerio. but this is an error.  The fear is that the thorns will affect the Iyawo in his life.  The proper way to use the herb is to smash it in the Mortar or pillon.  Its extract is then added to the source omerio.  This herb is used to remove negative energy from a person this includes the newly born Iyawo. When a person commits to follow orisa his old life style is to be removed and forgotten a new beginning starts.  The word Iyawo means Bride as a new bride to his or her Orisa he follows the rules and advise of the spouse.

Collections of cleanse

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Planta de la Vida [Synediem Granti] [Synadenium Granti hook] Lechero Aficano

Planta de la Vida,
[Synadenium Granti hook]
[ janaúba]
Lechero Africano

This plant [Synadenium Granti hook] is being used in South America, and Africa to treat multiple of illnesses. Cancer,Tumorous Cancer, Aids, to name a few.  All of the mentioned conditions not only improved but all signs of the infections and tumors disappeared. Leaving the afflicted free from the previous conditions. The best part is the longest period it took was just 3 months.
The remedy is totally effective in every application.  The patient is able to live a normal healthy life.

The majority of patients that used the remedy had been sent home to pass with family and friends or to settle their affairs, due to their condition being diagnosed as incurable  stage 4.

These same patients to be seen by the same doctor months later.  The doctors surprised with astonishment seeing the patient not only alive but living a fulfilling life.

We validated the healing effects of [Synadenium Granti hook] on a man in Naples Florida, This man  had Gastric Cancer stage 4.  This man will remain named as X.

Mr. X had been receiving morphine to alleviate his pains and discomforts. Mr. X was in such distress, he had his children contacted to say his goodbyes and see them for the last time.  Mr X knew time was running out after coming home once more from the hospital experiencing severe pain that even the Morphine was not helping.

I was told by a relative that he was dying. I, now aware of the grandness of the condition asked the relative to give me a few minutes to prepare the medicine. I am a Metaphysical  Healer. I gathered the water and plants. I began to mediate over the water summoning the energy of Joy to fill the water that was about to become medicine.  

I infused the water with Joy, Love and Hope.  I then added the required number of  latex drops . Shortly after I  gave the water to the relative with detailed instructions.  I told her to inform Mr. X I had sent him not only the medicine but a reminder from the universe.
“ We are all born to die  If our father calls us back home there is no medicine to challenge his will”
The second day. I was contacted that Mr. X did not need any morphine for relief from the pain,  morphine he had been needing on a daily basis.  Mr. X even requested food to eat since he could not stomach not even Oatmeal before the remedy.[Synadenium Granti hook]

Mr. X is still alive and well. Now recovering from the long term battle with cancer. What is quickly overlooked is ” if a disease has been affecting a person for a long period, the body goes through changes to attempt to adjust” This too must be addressed with healthy foods, purified water and lots of fresh air.

The best recovery treatment is changing the environment a person lives in, this change in environment causes the body to adapt, creating a better response from the immune system.

I give thanks to the Divine Ocean, The Source of Life  that I can offer Hope to the public. By us offering  [Synadenium Granti hook] to Mr. X, he did not need to travel out of the country for the same results.

We are offering this product in our store.  Including free shipping, with a Money back guarantee.

First dose consists of (3 - one liter bottles a $99.99 value) You should Promptly order the remaining dose (a 5 Gallons barrel.) to maintain the momentum your body and immune system is creating.

Here is a study performed on [Synadenium Granti hook] This research goes back to the early 1980’s Link

Hope is all we need.  If a fair chance is required I’m in.

Hope+Faith=Opportunity-Requires ACTION!

Learn about another nature cancer remedy